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GET /control/export – DEP Export

This export downloads the "Datenerfassungsprotokoll" (DEP 7) for fiscal audits.

QueryRNOptional RN, default: def
fromFrom date
tillTill date
targetTarget folder
intended for test automation, restricted due to system security
Request Examplehttp://localhost:5618/control/export?from=2017-01-01
Response HeaderContent-typeApplication/zip
ResponseZIP with JSON files according to Austrian law

GET /control/rep – Status Report

With this export you can download the start receipt and all monthly or annual receipts.

QueryRNOptional RN, default: def
Request Examplehttp://localhost:5618/control/rep
Response BodyXML or JSON data

Response Example XML:

<current> current era
<start> 'Startbeleg'
<_2016-12> 'Monatsbeleg'
<lic>0F2CZ</lic> internal checksum

GET /control/crypto – CMC Export

This export contains the certificate chain for the used signiture device and can be requested during an fiscal audit.

Request Examplehttp://localhost:5618/control/crypto
Response HeaderContent-typetext/plain
ResponseJSON needed for A-SIT Prüftool

GET /control/encryptkey – Show EncryptKey

Can be used to display all information to register a cash register to the fiscal authority ("Finanz Online").


In online mode the registration with the Fiscal Authority ("Finanz Online") is performed automatically. Use this sheet for manual data entry in offline mode.

AuthenticationProfile.Password authorization
Request Examplehttp://localhost:5618/control/encryptkey
Response HeaderContent-typetext/plain
FINANZONLINE.AT - Registrierung einer Registrierkasse

UID-Nummer: ATUxxxxxxxx
Kassenidentifikationsnummer: 001/1
efsta Datenerfassungsprotokoll: xxxxxxxxxxx
Benutzerschlüssel AES-256: 76bn5DeqRkLBg0TCwYKVc6ircRv8V7QiAKFUUZPiKRA=
Prüfwert für Benutzerschlüssel: jk16

abgerufen durch: hugo
am: 2017-01-10 17:43:21

GET /control/broken – #SIGNDEV_BROKEN Report

With this export, all "Sammelbelege" (receipts that are created after a signature failure) can be downloaded.

QueryRNOptional RN, default: def
Request Examplehttp://localhost:5618/control/broken
Response BodyHTML

GET /control/proof – Formal Proof of DEP Export File

For support purposes only. A downloaded DEP Export can be proofed with this method.

QueryfilePath to local dep-export.json file to decode
keyOptional: EncryptKey (base64) to show Grand Total per row
targetOptional target folder (for test automation)
Request Examplehttp://localhost:5618/control/proof?file=C:/temp/dep-export.json
Response HeaderContent-typetext/plain
ResponseList of contained fiscal signature (Fis.Code) elements