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Frequently Asked Questions


How can I change the company's legal name?
  • Decommissioning: localhost:5618 → Control → Create final receipt - wait until it is also available in the cloud (efsta portal) and the deregistration has been confirmed by the finance department (FISCAL_AT-CLOSE--P-.).
  • Check whether the recorder is online and all transactions are available in the cloud, uninstall EFR and archive/delete data
  • Deactivate EFR and possibly old company in the efsta portal
  • Create the new company in the portal incl. FON user
  • Reinstall EFR (download for AT here: )
  • Browser call Localhost:5618 - Configure profile page (badge, prime sign,...)
  • Wait until the final receipt from the old cash register is provided with P (efsta portal)
  • Send a transaction and the start receipt will be generated automatically.
  • FON reactivation is only necessary if the start command was created before the correct FON data was entered in the portal

Please inform your Partner Manager when everything is done to ensure that billing is switched to the new company.

How does the annual standard billing work?

The basic fee (incl. 60,000 transactions per year) for all cash registers active on January 1st of the year are invoiced at the beginning of the calendar year (January 1st - December 31st). Cash registers which are started during the course of the year, as well as transaction overruns, are invoiced in January of the following year on a pro rata basis.

Let's assume you have a new cash register (cash register C) and two existing cash registers (cash registers A + B): Cash register A (integrated transactions 60,000 2023) - actual: 56,350 transactions Cash register B (integrated transactions 60,000 2023) - actual: 74,350 transactions Cash C (integrated transactions 60,000 2023) - actual: 85,251 transactions Start date: 11.11.2023 Billing: In January 2024, the aliquotted subsequent billing of the basic fee (service period: 2 months), as well as the subsequent billing of transaction overruns for cash register B 2 packages and for cash register C 3 packages of 10,000 transactions each.

At the beginning of 2024, all 3 cash registers will be charged for the 2024 service period.


If cash register A is deactivated on 05.05.2023, no credit note will be issued, as this is an annual fee and therefore no settlement will take place for cash register A for the 2024 performance period.

How do I create a starting-, monthly- and annual receipt?

Starting Receipt
Is created automatically with the first transaction sent from the cash register to the ERA. This process does not have to be carried out manually.

Monthly Receipt
Is created automatically with the first transaction in the new month.

Year-end Receipt
Is created automatically with the first transaction in the new year.

Final Receipt
Is only necessary in Austria to deregister the cash register with the tax office. This process must be carried out manually.

Zero Receipt
Are not required in Austria, but can be created if necessary.

How do I generate a closing receipt?

Please only do this after closing time

  • Locate the POS where the EFR is installed
  • Open the browser (Google Chrome or Firefox)
  • Enter localhost:5618 in the address bar
  • Click on the “Control” tab
  • Then continue by clicking on the “Decommission cash register” button

The next day, a new starting receipt is automatically created with the first transaction. This ensures that the tax authorities have processed the final receipt and that the cash register is registered correctly again.

How can I assign a cloud TSE?
  • Approx. 15 minutes after ordering a Cloud TSE via the efsta portal, it will be available in the efsta portal.
  • The Cloud TSE can be used immediately (no delivery times).
  • With the first transaction, the TSE is automatically assigned by the efsta Cloud.
  • The TSE status can be seen under the menu item Fiscal units in the efsta portal.
How do I create exports in the efsta Portal?
  • Navigate to the “Portal Export” menu
  • Select the desired export type in the drop-down menu
  • Choose the organization/company you need
  • Enter the required time period for the export
  • You can display the export as a preview or download the entire export with all data
How can the QR code be displayed locally?
  • Locate the POS where the EFR is installed
  • Open the browser and enter localhost:5618 in the address bar
  • Navigate to the “Control” tab
  • In the “Status documents” field, you can display the desired documents as a QR code QR-Code
How can I change certificates?

Expired certificates can still be used for signing. However, we recommend ordering a new one from efsta to avoid future errors on the part of the signature provider.

Hardware signature
If you order a new hardware signature, you can unplug the old certificate locally upon receipt and deactivate it in the portal.

Cloud signature
If you order a cloud certificate, you can then click on the 3 dots next to the certificate in the portal, select the new certificate and click on “Cancel certificate”. This cancels the old certificate and the new one is used.



How do I connect a webservice user for cash registers?

To use the Finanz-Online web service, please create a special “Web service user for cash registers” in the Finanz-Online web portal according to the instructions. You can read more about this process here.


Please note that only one such FON web service user is permitted per company (UID).

  • Once you have created the access data, navigate to the company level in the efsta portal and select the desired company.
  • To the right of the company, click on the <...> icon to open the properties window.
  • There, click on the FON tab and fill in the fields with your previously created access data.
  • Then save and click on Test data.
  • If the entry is correct, activate the automatic mandatory message toFinanz Online by clicking on ACTIVE.
  • Save your entries.


If the cash register was started incorrectly, e.g. the start receipt was transmitted before the FON data was activated, the last message (e.g. start receipt) can be repeated by clicking on “Reactivate FON for all cash registers”.

Most frequent problems with the FON webservice
  • Instead of the “Web service user for cash registers”, Finanzonline access data is entered in the portal.
  • The company's UID entered in the portal does not match the UID on the smartcard (certificate).
  • Start receipt/zero receipt could not be created. (Contact cash register manufacturer)


  • Open the properties window of the desired company, go to the “Finance online” tab
  • Enter your data there and click on “Test data”
  • If the access data is correct, “COMPLETE” is displayed in green; if it is incorrect, “Incorrect” is displayed in red
  • If the data is incorrect, a red error message from Finanz Online will also appear under the “Test data” button
  • The status calculation may take some time
  • You can refresh the display by moving the mouse over the respective color or reloading the browser


Error messages of webservice user access data

Code 0: Call ok
Code 1: The session ID is invalid or has expired.
Code 2: It is currently not possible to access the web service due to maintenance work.
Code 3: A technical error has occurred.


Code 4: The transmitted access data is invalid.
Code 5: User blocked after several failed attempts.
Code 6: The user is blocked.
Code 7: The user is not a web service user.

FON messages and their meanings
Status ColorMeaning
Bullet-Green GreenEverything OK; cash register is fiscalized correctly
Bullet-Yellow YellowThere is a temporary problem; no immediate user action required; check again later
Bullet-Red RedProblem with the fiscalization of the cash register; immediate user action required
StatusFON MessageDescription
Bullet-RedFON login failedFON message could not be reported to FinanzOnline. Please use a FON web service user and check the access data.
Bullet-RedFISCAL_AT-START-REGSE-7-P-The order term in the certificate is not assigned to the registering company. Please contact your trusted service provider.The UID/tax number in the certificate (smartcard or remote certificate) does not match the UID/tax number in Finanz Online. Check the Finanz Online account and your certificate.
Bullet-GreenFISCAL_AT-START-BELEG--P-A start document was successfully reported in the productive Finanz Online. P stands for productive in all messages.
Bullet-GreenFISCAL_AT-START-BELEG--T-A start document was successfully reported in the FinanzOnline test environment. For all messages, T stands for Test
Bullet-RedFISCAL_AT-START-BELEG-43-P-EXISTS_CASHBOXAnother register with the same cash register ID already exists. The cash register ID must be unique for Finance. Please note that if you deregister this register with Finance, you could also deregister other productive registers with the same cash register ID.
Bullet-Red FISCAL_AT-START-BELEG-43-P-RECEIPT_FULL/STATE_CONSOLIDATEDError during the start document check. Please check whether there is another register with the same cash register ID.
Bullet-Red FISCAL_AT-START-BELEG-43-P-RECEIPT_FULL /TYPE_OF_RECEIPTError during the start document check. Please check whether there is another register with the same cash register ID.
Bullet-Red FISCAL_AT-SR-START-7-The order term in the certificate is not assigned to the registering company. Please contact your trust service provider.The UID/tax number in the certificate (smartcard or remote certificate) does not match the UID/tax number in Finanz Online. Check the Finanz Online account and your certificate.
Bullet-Yellow FISCAL_AT-SIGNDEV_BROKEN_QUEUE--P-The EFR could not find a security device. Please check whether a security device (smart card or Internet connection for remote certificate) is available.
Bullet-Yellow FISCAL_AT-SIGNDEV_BROKEN_ISSUE--P-The failure of the security device has now been out for more than 48 hours, so the failure has been reported to Finanz Online.
Bullet-RedFISCAL_AT-SIGNDEV_RESTORED_QUEUE--P-The EFR has found a safety device again.
Bullet-RedFISCAL_AT-SIGNDEV_RESTORED_ISSUE--P-If the failure of the safety device was reported, the end of the failure is now reported to Finanz Online.
Bullet-RedFISCAL_AT-YEAR--P-An annual document has been successfully reported in the productive Finanz Online. P stands for productive for all reports
Bullet-RedFISCAL_AT-YEAR--T-An annual document was successfully reported in the FinanzOnline test environment. T stands for test in all messages.
Bullet-YellowFISCAL_AT-YEAR-43-P-CONSTRAINTS_PRE_D B/TIMEOFRECEIPT_WITHIN_PERIODThe annual document was registered with an unrealistic date
Bullet-Red FISCAL_AT-YEAR-43-P-EXISTS_CASHBOXThe verification of the annual document is incorrect because this cash register was not registered in Finanz Online for document creation.
Bullet-Red FISCAL_AT-YEAR-43-P-MATCH_COMPANYThe UID/tax number in the certificate (smartcard or remote certificate) does not match the UID/tax number in Finanz Online. Check the Finanz Online account and your certificate.
Bullet-Yellow FISCAL_AT-YEAR-43-P-RECEIPT_FULL/FORMATFormat of the annual receipt is incorrect. Please note that the character “_” is prohibited in the location number, cash register ID and transaction number.
Bullet-RedFISCAL_AT-YEAR-43-P-RECEIPT_FULL/STATE_ CONSOLIDATED/STATE_CASHBOXThe verification of the annual document is incorrect because this cash register was not logged into Finanz Online at the time the document was created.
Bullet-Yellow FISCAL_AT-YEAR-43-P-RECEIPT_FULL/STATE_ CONSOLIDATED/STATE_SIGDEVICEThe verification of the annual document is incorrect because the security device failed at the time the document was created. Please check the security device.
Bullet-RedFISCAL_AT-CLOSE--P-Cash register was successfully logged off in productive Finanz Online. P stands for productive in all messages.
Bullet-RedFISCAL_AT-CLOSE--T-Cash register has been successfully logged off in productive Finance Online. T stands for Test
Bullet-GreenFISCAL_AT-EFSTA-CHECK-CASHREG-OK-0-P-Regular query as to whether the cash register is still logged into FON was successful.
Bullet-RedFISCAL_AT-EFSTA-CHECK-CASHREG-NOTOK-0 -PRegular query as to whether the cash register is still logged on to FON was unsuccessful. Cash register is no longer registered in the FON. Please check whether other registers with the same cash register ID exist.


What is the RKSV?

The RKSV (Cash Register Security Ordinance) is a regulation in Austria that obliges companies to use electronic cash registers in order to ensure protection against the manipulation of cash transactions. The aim of the RKSV is to prevent tax evasion and ensure a complete record of business transactions. The RKSV ensures that all relevant data is recorded in a tamper-proof and traceable manner in order to guarantee tax transparency.

How is manipulation prevented by the RKSV?

The RKSV (Cash Register Security Ordinance) uses several technical and organizational measures to prevent the manipulation of data and to ensure the integrity of the recorded business transactions.

What is SEE?

From April 1, 2017, all POS systems must have a technical security device (signature creation device - SEE). These signature creation devices can be purchased from a certification service provider that offers qualified signature certificates. Or the Prime Sign certificate can be purchased directly from efsta.

What is a certified safety device (SE)?

A certified security device to fulfill the RKSV is a technical component to ensure that the recorded transactions are tamper-proof. This security device is crucial for the implementation of the RKSV and essentially consists of a signature creation device that ensures that every transaction is digitally signed and thus protected against manipulation. Only signature solutions certified in Austria may be used.