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DE Profile Attributes

Fiscal_TimeoutFiscalTimeout in ms for fiscal processing (request to fiscal system, local signature creation or remote sign request)
default: fiscal_timeout=9000
timeout testing: fiscal_timeout=1
Fis_QRFiscalAdd QR image (base64) to <Fis> element in response
specify type and size according to /control/qr
example: fis_qr=type=png&size=2&ec_level=L
SignServerTSEEFR SignServer operation, other EFRs in the same LAN may use the TSE of this server
TSE_AdminPinTSESet the AdminPin for the TSE
TSE_AdminPukTSESet the AdminPuk for the TSE
TSE_BackupAtTSEConfigure TSE backup time for local and remote TSE (default randomized between 03:10:00 and 04:10:00)
set TSE_BackupAt=NO to disable automatic backup
TSE_BackupDeleteTSESet this flag to enable TSE export backup for manufacturer TSE server drivers like Diebold-Nixdorf or Epson (local and network): export/backup and delete is performed after each Z Report (NFS=Z)
TSE_installTSE_DFSet TSE_install=NO to block automatic driver installation from efsta cloud, the driver manually installed is used
valid for Deutsche Fiskal cloud TSE
TSE_KeepAliveTSE_SBSet device polling interval in sec (default 10), which may be required to block automatic USB power off by system’s energy management
valid for Swissbit local TSE
TSE_MountPointTSESet path to TSE mount points on Linux, e.g. TSE_MountPoint=/mnt/
or specify devices to scan on Windows, e.g. TSE_MountPoint=D:,E:
TSE_PortScanTSEExample: TSE_PortScan=,
see TSE Installation / Configuration for details
TSE_SelfTestAtTSE_SBConfigure auto selfTest time (default 03:05:00)
valid for Swissbit local TSE
TSE_TimePinTSESet the TimePin for the TSE
TSE_TimePukTSESet the TimePuk for the TSE

Known TSE problems

The errors described are reported by a particular driver of the TSE. For further instructions contact the TSE manufacturer.

Swissbit (local)

Preconfigured TSE

We discourage usage of preconfigured TSEs. The "setup" of the TSE is performed automatically on plugin, based on factory settings.

TSE devices already initialized may stop on warning @@multiple WRONG_STATE_NEEDS_SELF_TEST_PASSED. In this case enter values for default clientId, AdminPIN und TimeAdminPIN on page "Control" http://localost:5618/control, button [konfigurieren].

Power Save Mode

Some modern PC systems interrupt power supply for USB devices shortly after usage. So with the next signature, a self test has to be performed as directed, which lasts about 15 seconds: the signature will fail with #TIMEOUT.

In this case, enter value TSE_KeepAlive in field "Attributes" on page "Profile" http://localhost:5618/profile

Deutsche Fiskal Cloud TSE


The service provider constrains a unique clientId value cross-company.

In case of ambiguity (f.e. another enterprise already uses this value), an unambiguous value is created automatically by driver ID (fccId) postfix. Instead of "001_1" e.g. "001_1(fcc-abcd-efgh-1234" will be used. This automatically assigned value is visible in http://localhost:5618 "Steuerung" and may be changed there. Ambiguity is required also for manual setting.


The manually configured clientId (page "Steuerung") is unambiguous. Change required.


The local driver of the manufacturer is performing self tests regularly. The error code indicates a temporary unavailability of the service, but the next signature is expected to be successful.

#err:Invalid credentials

On installation: this error occurs if configuration data ('credentials') of the service provider were entered incorrectly, or they have been used multiple times. Usually, acquiring new credentials is the only solution for this issue.

#err:Connection timed out

Usually a problem on installation with proxy or firewall. Make sure the configuration of URL (attention: "k") is correct. The IP for this URL is assigned dynamically.