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TicketBAI is a collaborative effort by the three provincial treasuries and the Basque government to enforce legal and technical obligations in billing software, aiming to combat tax fraud and evasion. It enables comprehensive tracking of invoices, especially those tied to cash transactions, providing valuable data to facilitate taxpayer compliance.


Invoicing/POS systems must comply with TicketBAI in all three provinces, requiring specific billing or POS system features:

  • Registrating in the provincial software registration list
  • Chaining the invoices so that their trace can be verified in a sequence, preventing manipulation, alteration, or deletion
  • Creating XML files for each transaction, signing them with a valid digital certificate, and sending them to the corresponding tax authority
  • Storing all the XML files during the established period of time
  • Generating a QR code and an identification code which must be printed on the invoice
  • A device certificate is neccesary to operate

Software Information for On-Site Verification

Identification of the software that allows on-site verification on a single screen of the information referred to in Article 8 of the Foral Order.

The TicketBAI software must include an on-site verification functionality, through which the following information must be displayed on a single screen of the billing device:

  1. Tax identification number and the full name or company name of the person or entity that developed the TicketBAI software used on the device.
  2. Name of the TicketBAI software used on the device.
  3. Version of the TicketBAI software used on the device.
  • Optionally, the serial number of the device from which the above information is displayed may also be shown.

It is recommended to have the TBAI license for the fiscalization solution in electronic format, which can be downloaded here.

On-Site Verification

Device Certificate Setup

Here is a simplified guide to help you get through the process of sending TicketBAI files to the tax authorities with a device certificate:

  1. Create a device certificate with your NIF in IZEMPE

  2. Link Certificate to VAT (NIF) and ensure it matches the invoice issuer's VAT

    Choose Your Region to register your certificate:

  3. Log In: Use your personal certificate. The input device certificate number is generated in IZEMPE


The VAT number (NIF) you provide should match the device certificate you’re using. Neglecting to inform the tax authority of the device certificate’s number could lead to your TicketBAI files being rejected. Remember, this is the only step that the taxpayer must personally undertake!

Step-by-Step Process

1. First Steps

Before starting the process, have the following device information ready:

  • Manufacturer
  • Type of device (POS, Scale, PC,...)
  • Model
  • Serial Number

Then, click on IZEMPE

  • Click on "Access" in the device certificate section


  • A login window appears, where you should have one of these authentication options:

    • BakQ & DNI/NIE
    • Digital Certificate


2. Making a Request
  • Click on “Managing Device Certificates”


  • Next, navigate to “Make Request”


3. Creating a Certificate


  • Fill in the data


  • Sign the request


  • Issue the certificate


4. Downloading a Certificate
  • Download the P12 certificate


Certificate Registration

In order to register your device certificate to your VAT Number (NIF), these websites should be used according to province:


Visit the Gipuzkoa Website

The procedure of accepting the device has to be done when a taxpayer uses a device certificate and has sent at least one invoice to TicketBAI's REAL service. Once TicketBAI detects this situation, it makes available to the taxpayer the option to accept the device using the following procedure.


Visit the Araba Website


Visit the Bizkaia Website