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EFR Sweden

Quick Start

Step 1 – EFR API Integration

This onboarding guide was written to assist efsta customer’s with the efsta portal and EFR setup after the POS has been integrated to the EFR API. For EFR API Documentation, please refer to API

Step 2 – efsta Portal

Set up the efsta Portal.

Creating Organizations, Companies & Locations

First you will receive an invitation to our efsta Portal. If you still require an invite, please get in touch with our team at

For each of the following sections, you have the option between an active or inactive setup (for testing). Please make sure to follow the steps appropriate to your demands.


For testing/sandbox purposes, please create a test-organization with test-companies and test-EFRs. If you test with an active/live EFR, an invoice will automatically be issued (unless deactivated within the same day).

Testing Organizations

organizations are used for structuring in the efsta portal. We recommend creating a separate organization for each country (e.g. Customer AT, Customer FR)

Customer Tests

  1. On the main page of the efsta portal, click on “organizations” in the left side menu

Sidebar organizations

  1. Click on „Add“

Add organization

  1. In the pop up window, select your organization from the drop-down menu

organization Overlay

  1. Enter the name of the test-organization you want to create
    (f.e. “efsta IT Services Gmbh Test Organization”)
  2. Tick the "tag as test" checkbox

organization Test

  1. Click on the save button
Testing Companies
  1. Go to the page „Companies“

Sidebar Companies

  1. Click on the „Add“ button

Add Company

  1. In the pop-up window, select the test-organization that was just created

Company Overlay

  1. Select the correct country

Company Test

  1. Click on the save button
Testing Locations

Test-companies are automatically created with two location sites for testing purposes.

Inviting Users & Permissions

After you have finished your organization structure, you can invite users to manage the correlating organization, depending on where they should have access.

User Invitations & Permission Setting
  1. Go back to “Organizations” page and the find your top organization
  2. On the right side (next to the organization, company, or location) click on the "add user" symbol:

Add User

  1. In the pop-up window, enter the mail address of the person you want to invite to the portal and select the permissions you want to assign to them:
    • Editor: can edit data, create companies and deactivate EFR
    • Viewer: Read-only access with optional data sharing permissions

User Overlay

  1. Click on the button „send invitation“ so the invited person will receive an email with a registration token

The invitation is valid for 10 days.

    • The user to whom the invitation was sent has to sign up with their mail address and a custom password
    • Alternatively, they can also sign up with a Google or Microsoft account


  1. After the registration was completed, they can log in


Step 3 - Local Installation // Web-API

System Requirements

System Requirements

  • Operating System
    • Windows 7 or higher
    • Linux
    • Android 8 or higher
  • Typically 1 GB hard disk space reserved
    • Minimum 100 MB per POS
  • Administration rights during installation
  • Internet access for cloud services
Good to know
  • EFR should run locally for fail-safety reasons.
  • Cloud EFR can only be used for Cloud POS.

Firewall Settings

PartnerHostUsed for
efsta cloudhttps://*
EFR in Online mode for archiving data

Remote Signature

PartnerHostUsed for
external HSM signature
(please see note below)
external HSM signature
Deutsche Fiskal TSE
remote TSE

Please note that Prime-Sign has not just one HSM Server, but a cluster. If certificates are ordered using the efsta Cloud Portal, you'll see the host address in the portal. However, should the certificate be ordered through different channels, it is possible that it resides on a different server, using a different IP.

Fiscal Authority

PartnerHostUsed for
https://ticketbai.araba.eusÁlava productive
https://pruebas-ticketbai.araba.eusÁlava test
https://tbai-z.egoitza.gipuzkoa.eusGuipúzcoa productive
https://tbai-z.prep.gipuzkoa.eusGuipúzcoa test
https://sarrerak.bizkaia.eusBizkaia productive
https://pruesarrerak.bizkaia.eusBizkaia test

Fiscal Printer

PartnerHostUsed for
productive Update

At this point, there are two different paths you can take with your setup: Local Installation or Web-API. Please continue with only one of the following two steps.

  1. Go to and select the appropriate country
  2. Download the correct installers for your system
  3. Install the software
  4. Once finished, open a browser and enter “localhost:5618” in the address line
  5. The EFR user-interface will open


Connecting the EFR

In order to connect the EFR with the efsta Portal (recorder: online), follow these steps:

  1. In the portal, navigate to “Companies” on the left side menu

Sidebar Company

  1. Open the properties of your company


  1. Locate and copy the badge number


  1. In the EFR, go to "Profile" and paste the badge
    (Optional) For MultiPOS & MultiCompany, tick the checkbox “RN/TT” at "Client Assignment" on

Please double check that the Badge is correct before saving since it cannot be changed after activation


MultiPOS is ONE installed EFR, managing multiple cash registers from the same company (usually a back-office server)

MultiCompany is ONE installed EFR, managing multiple companies, locations, and cash registers (only possible when cloud-hosting our EFR)

If you are interested in any of these two modes, please contact your partner manager for a consulting appointment!

EFR Profile

  1. Save the profile, so the communication to the efsta Portal is activated.
    The EFR status will change to “Online”.

EFR Status


Please allow communication to the efsta Portal through your firewall. If not, it will cause connection issues.

Step 4 – Certification

Certification for efsta EFR Sweden & integrated CCU.


This testing scheme is intended for you, the POS provider, who are certifying a new or altered cash register application (POS) with the efsta EFR and integrated Central Control Unit from Infrasec Sweden AB (Central Control Unit, CCU). The POS connects to the EFR API, as described in the EFR Reference and EFR SE documentation. Completed certification means that the POS provider has created the conditions to receive control codes according to the Swedish Tax Agency statute SKVFS 2009:12 (replaces SKVFS 2009:2), in production, with the certified efsta EFR API (and integrated CCU) and tested business case functionality accordingly.

The certification is executed by the POS provider in cooperation with efsta/Infrasec where receipts, lists and extracts of the POS provider’s results are verified. The certification does not apply to the POS application as a whole, but only the integration of the efsta EFR and CCU. The POS provider is responsible for maintaining knowledge and requesting renewed certification if functions in the POS application are changed in such a way that existing tested business cases are handled differently.

The POS application is certified for the functions completed in the test plan. If, for example, an application would choose not to include the ”Pro forma” receipt function from the test plan, a ”Pro forma” receipt function is not included in the certification. In addition, if there are additional business cases, please add these to the test plan before certification. Only certified business cases in the test plan are allowed to be used in production.


The certificate is issued by efsta/Infrasec after completion and verification of the test plan, and production (Pilot) for a period of at least 14 days and at least 100 receipts (including all business cases in the test plan). If the POS application is server based, then the pilot must include transactions from at least 3 different cash registers.

Overall activities for approved certification
  • Verify that the POS application fulfils the interface according to the EFR SE documentation
  • Verify that the POS application has all the functions needed to handle information from the EFR and the CCU correctly
  • Verify receipts and reports
  • Verify a daily closure report, while in pilot, containing control codes for examination
The test cases to be executed
  • Purchases with various VAT rates
  • Purchases with various methods of payment
  • Refunds with various VAT rates
  • Purchases with discounts
  • Correction of purchase
  • Training mode
  • Pro forma receipt/invoice
  • Receipt copy
Business Cases

The certification is carried out in efsta/Infrasec’s verification environment. In this environment, it is possible to re-start the test cases until verification has been completed. After verification is completed, the recorded tests in the CCU are transferred into the production environment and can be subject to inspection from Skatteverket. Data in production cannot be deleted or reset. If the EFR/CCU is not available, then you are not allowed to create a receipt. efsta/Infrasec recommends that the register create a cash invoice (outside of the cash register regulation scope), as a fallback, in case of communication issues with the EFR/CCU. If the EFR/ CCU cannot be reached, please integrate a user message warning and allow the cashier to create a cash invoice. Please make sure to implement this fallback procedure before validation and self-declaration of conformity.


The POS provider prepares all business cases within the test plan for certification:

  • Disregard the inapplicable business cases if a certain tax group or pro forma function doesn’t apply. Please document in the test plan, if a business case does not apply.
  • Define eventual additional test cases for certified POS application that needs to be included in the certification to ensure flawless service in deployed EFR and CCU integration

The POS provider must test all business cases with his test register according to the following procedure:

  • Inform efsta about which test register/EFR is intended to be used during the certification phase. efsta will send approval to the POS provider to begin the certification after verifying that this register is ready to be certified with the EFR and CCU.
  • Following the test plan (you will receive from the efsta team) and executing every test thoroughly and in an uninterrupted sequence. Document the results of each business case in the Test plan and note eventual deviations. The name of the test needs to be written on each receipt (screenshot) for easy feedback at the verification. For example the name of the first test is 4.1.1. Please send us by email the first two business cases, so we can check that the tests are done correctly.
  • Sending all business case receipts (with corresponding business case names) and completed test plan to the efsta Consulting team,

In consultation with efsta, submitting the POS provider’s declaration of conformity and test protocol (templates provided from efsta), by registering with Skatteverket. According to the Swedish Tax Procedure Act (skatteförfarandelag 2011:1244), a cash register must be certified. According to the Swedish Tax Agency’s guidance, the requirements are fulfilled when the cash register has a manufacturer-declaration and a certified control unit / control system. In Sweden, only manufacturer-declared cash registers are approved for use. This means that as a supplier/manufacturer of cash registers, you are required to have a manufacturer’s declaration, which proves that your cash register complies with the Swedish Tax Agency’s regulations on requirements for cash registers.

To declare a cash register, you must complete the form Manufacturer's declaration (SKV 1509) and send it to the Swedish Tax Agency. You can download the form SSKV 1509 from Swedish Tax Agency’s website.

Then, proceed by sending it to the following address:

Swedish Tax Agency (Skatteverket)
Box 2825
403 20 Göteborg

The form must provide that:

  • The model / program has been tested together with a certified control unit
  • The test methods and the results of the tests must be included in a test log (see here)
Good to know

It is not officially regulated how comprehensive the test logs need to be.

Deployment & Certification

The POS provider deploys their first EFR with integrated CCU into production for their customer
Please inform efsta of the organization and EFRs being deployed, so that we may deploy the CCUs into production.

The POS provider obtains a certificate for the POS application
efsta/Infrasec verifies a daily report and the POS provider obtains certification from efsta

Step 5 – Registration

If you have a cash register, you must register it by law with the Swedish Tax Agency (Skatteverket).

Registration of cash register & control unit (for end customers)

The easiest way to register possession of your cash register and control unit is via the Swedish Tax Agency’s e-service for cash register. In order to use their e-service, you will need an electronic ID.

Here is the link to a guide provided by the Swedish Tax Administrations, where you can find a detailed explanation on how to register new control units and cash registers.

After submitting the registration form, it takes around one month to receive the certificate of registration. At the same time, you will receive labels that show the registration number of the control unit and cash register. You must stick these labels on the cash register so that the labels are clearly visible for the controllers of Swedish Tax Administration.

You can start using the cash register as soon as you have reported it to the Swedish Tax Administration. In other words, you don’t need to wait until you get the labels before you can get started. Just add them to the registers once you received the labels. Fore more information, see this page.