1 | ERR_NoClientDisplay | No customer display |
2 | ERR_NO_REC_PAPER | Printer out of receipt paper |
3 | ERR_NO_JRN_PAPER | Out of journal paper |
4 | LOW_REC_PAPER | Low receipt paper |
5 | ERR_LOW_JRN_PAPER | Low Journal paper |
7 | ERR_PRINTER_NOT_READY | Printer not ready |
8 | ERR_ROM_NOT_FISCALIZED | Security module is not fiscalized |
9 | ERR_NO_TAX_ID | No TAX Payers ID |
10 | ERR_NO_VAT | No VAT values |
11 | ERR_BAD_ROM | ROM is damaged |
12 | ERR_ROM_FULL | Security module ROM is full |
13 | ERR_RAM_ERROR | RAM error |
14 | ERR_DISPLAY_NOT_ALLOWED | Transmission to customer display is not allowed |
15 | ERR_SETUP_MODE | Not allowed in service mode |
16 | ERR_OPEN_DRAWER | Open drawer |
17 | ERR_SALES_MODE | Not allowed in sales mode |
18 | ERR_FORMAT | Bad command format/communication parameters |
19 | ERR_NO_ENOUGH_AMOUNT | Total is too low |
20 | ERR_NEGATIVE_TOTAL_TOO_HIGH | Negative total is too high |
21 | ERR_COM_READ_TIMEOUT | No answer from security module |
22 | ERR_DATE_CORRECTION_NOT_ALLOWED | Date correction is not allowed |
23 | ERR_NON_SALES_MODE | Not allowed in non-sales mode |
24 | ERR_BAD_CRC | Bad batch CRC |
25 | ERR_CHANGE_AFTER_REPORT | Can be done only after Z report |
26 | ERR_SIGN_DISABLED | Forbidden to execute document |
27 | ERR_STRING_TO_NUMBER_CONVERSION | String to number conversion error |
28 | ERR_NO_ITEM_INCLUDED | No item included |
29 | ERR_USED_ONLY_BEFORE_TOTAL | Can be used only before printing total |
30 | ERR_USED_ONLY_AFTER_TOTAL | Can be used only after printing total |
31 | ERR_MMC_BAD | ECJ memory card bad |
32 | ERR_MMC_FULL | ECJ memory card full |
33 | ERR_CANNOT_ERASE_MMC | Cannot erase ECJ memory card |
34 | ERR_NO_MMC_FILE | ECJ memory card file not found |
35 | ERR_MMC_FILE_TOO_SHORT | ECJ memory card file too short |
36 | ERR_BAD_CRC32 | Bad ECJ CRC32 |
37 | ERR_In_ANSWER | Errors in answer |
38 | ERR_NO_Ini_File | ini file was not found |
39 | ERR_TooSmallSpace | Too few space for the answer (pchar) |
41 | ERR_BAD_GROUP_FORMAT | Bad Group function format |
44 | ERR_NO_REFUND_INFO | Allowed only once, forbidden in return/deposit |
46 | ERR_Out_Of_Range | Parameter number out of range |
47 | ERR_No_Parameter | No such parameter |
49 | FB_DISABLED | Security module in disabled mode |
60 | ERR_NO_SHARED_LIBRARY | No library found |
61 | ERR_NO_FUNCTION | No method/function found |
62 | ERR_NO_BARCODE | No BarCode |
68 | Err_AnswerTooShort | Errors in answer, to short |
69 | Err_NULLBuffer | Error NULLBuffer |
70 | Err_FirstParam8063 | Invalid first parameter |
71 | Err_SecondParam8063 | Invalid second parameter |
72 | Err_startGTend | Invalid command parameters |
73 | Err_CantCreateFile | Can’t Create File |
74 | Err_Generic | Error generic |
75 | ERR_LOW_Z | Memory of Z reports running out |
76 | ERR_LOW_R | Memory of receipts running out |
77 | ERR_ILLEGAL_STRING | Illegal string |
78 | ERR_NO_Permission | No permission |
79 | ERR_Missing_Param | Error missing parameter |
80 | ERR_No_Deposit_Allowed | No deposit allowed |
81 | ERR_Nr_GT_or_Date_Invalid | Date invalid |
84 | ERR_NOT_FINISHED_Z | Not finished forming Z report |
85 | ERR_NOT_Registered_Software | Software isn't registered |
88 | ERR_SM_SUSPENDED | Cash register suspended |
89 | ERR_SM_DEACTIVATED | Cash register deregistered |
90 | ERR_ONE_Z_ALLOWED | Only one Z allowed |
91 | ERR_ALREADY_EXECUTED | Already executed |
102 | ERR_COM_WRITE | Com write error. Need reset |
105 | ERR_CANT_OPEN_PORT | Can’t open COM port |