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Receipt Layout

Receipt characteristics

For the printing of a receipt the POS system receives following information from the TSE via the EFR:

  • Serial number of the TSE
  • Timestamp of the process start, triggered by the call of /register with tag <TraS>
  • Timestamp of the process end, triggered by the call of /register with tag <Tra>
  • The transaction ID (TID), which is generated by the secure element
  • The sign counter, which is generated by the secure element
  • The signature, which is generated by the secure element.

Example Response

All Fis.Tag elements in the response must be printed on the receipt. The Fis.Code element should be printed as QR Code.

XML Response

<TraC SQ="1537030">
<Result RC="OK"/>
<ESR D="2024-08-01T10:50:30"/>
<Fis TID="3">
<Tag Label="TrNr:" Value="3" Name="FN"/>
<Tag Label="Beg.:" Value="2024-08-01 10:50:30" Name="StartD"/>
<Tag Label="Ende:" Value="2024-08-01 10:50:30" Name="FinishD"/>
<Tag Label="TSE :" Value="0123456789abcdef0..." Name="Serial"/>
<Tag Label="SigZ:" Value="7" Name="SignCnt"/>
<Tag Label="Sign:" Value="aT775OTya1SXEGceVO2raDlRHv..." Name="Sign"/>


The following tags will be returned from the EFR in case of a finishTransaction and have to be printed on the receipt:

TrNrTIDTransactions number, which comes from the TSE.
BegStartDTimestamp of the start of the process
EndeFinishDTimestamp of the end of the process
TSESerialSerial number of the TSE
SigZSignCntSign counter of the TSE
SignSignSignature of the TSE
KSNrclientIdclientId according to "KassenSichV"
By default, the EFR uses TL/TT, but it can be changed in the "Control" window; clientId can be set to a different value. The POS clientId must be stated on the receipt, TL and TT always have to be printed; therefore this tag is only delivered in the event of a deviation.